JWM Lancer 5 is Portable RFID reader with GPRS/3G connectivity. The patrol data will be sent back to control center through GPRS/GSM/3G network. Let you control your guard tour at real time.
Dimenstions: Height 102mm, Width 62mm, Thickness 26mm
Weight: 144g
Color: Yellow
IP Rate: IP67
Operating Temperature: -25 ~+85
Reading Mode: RFID 125 KHz , Reading distance ,3cm -5cm
Communication: USB (CP2102,USB2.0) upload data 15000 pieces per min
GPRS real time data transmission
Battery: Rated voltage: 3.7V, Rated capacity: 2000Amh
Standby time:
1. 30days(device turned on, but doesnt register with GPRS network
2. 4days(500 readings and transfer per day)
3. 16hours(continually sending data )
Data Storage: 16Mbit flash, 15,000 pieces